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The Official ABPA Service Repair Center



Thank you for contacting us! We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Alan Back, ND., C.N.H.P.

Misty Back, ND., C.N.H.P., MH., C-Ort.

Alan Back is the creator of the Advance Bio-Photon Analyzer (A2 or ABPA) along several other Natural Health recovery devices being used worldwide. As a child prodigy in electronics along with his Military training has helped to back up his years of research; Alan has dedicated his life to Research and Equipment Development in Energetic Sciences for over the past 25 years.  In the beginning Alan's main focus was on Allergy Elimination and system balancing for recovery from chemical sensitivity disorder.  Consulting with numerous Health Practitioners over the years Alan has created many useful devices and equipment utilized in Natural Health.  Alan has served on the board of Frequency Energetic Medicine with world class Doctors and Researches such as Dr. Jeffery Sutherland PhD. of Harvard.  The Board help to set research standards, protocols and practices in the emerging field of Energetic Health Sciences. Today Alan is Considered one of the world’s authority and industry leader in the field of Energetic Sciences.

After being brought to his attention by his colleagues Alan took on the challenges to address this new epidemic chemical sensitivity which is growing in numbers daily worldwide.  This affliction was something that mainstream Medicine could not understand in its complexity and referred it to a mental illness due to their extreme energetic sensitivities which made public interaction impossible for those stricken.  Being challenged to find a way to help those stricken to regain their health and get their lives back by recovering them. Alan accepted the challenge which led to the instrument known today as the A2 (Advance Bio-Photon Analyzer) and the AM3 (Advance Bio-Photon Analyzer / Matrix 3 System) and with close to 35 different such devices he has created over his career that included years of research found these devices to be extremely encouraging, not only did this instrument perform well on Chemical Sensitivities Clients recovery processes by balancing their systems, but it also noticed it carried over to other health challenges that faced Health Professionals on non-chemical sensitive clients.  The A2 and AM3 displayed wide range of applications on energetic levels throughout by balancing the bodies systems.  Understanding that balancing the systems allowed the body to heal its self naturally and added to medical protocols increased the body's own healing abilities.

Alan’s development of A2, AM3 and other balancing devices has helped bring the Natural Health Professionals Practices out of the dark ages.  Retired  therapies that were antiquated and took away the mystical non-science nature into a more updated and modern therapies with his electronic devices. these devises proved to be more reliable by utilizing both frequency and patterns that the body could understand.  Alan used knowledge gained about frequency and patters from his daily life in the U.S. Army as Technical Service for Special Operations Group specializing in electronics', serving both Overseas and Stateside gave him deep understanding of electronics and its effects on the human body.  Alan's equipment over the years was not enough he soon enriched himself by attending Trinity College of Natural Health Warsaw, IN. There Alan started to explore ways he could use his specialized training to help those who needed help so he went to work by obtaining his Doctrine of Traditional Natural Health and C.N.H.P. (Certified Natural Health Professional).

Today along with his wife Misty Back who also holds her Doctrine in Traditional Natural Health, C.N.H.P, Master Herbalists and O.R Surgical Scrub Tech C-ORt. .  Together the Back's continues to research new cutting edge ideas for equipment, natural therapies, educational seminars and consulting. In a constant effort to help everyone to gain the cutting edge with knowledge that compliment medical protocols. 

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The information on this website is available for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice and care, nor is the information provided in the following testimonials suggesting that the application of orthomolecular or energy science will cure or treat any illness. The statements above were offered freely to be posted on this website and may or may not have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. All testimonials regarding products available through  are not meant to suggest that the person depicted endorses the products and their own self-treatment results. However, it is their own belief that the personal education provided on the our site and the use of these products were instrumental in their personal well-being. We try our best not to make mistakes; however, if typographical errors appear in our site, we cannot be held responsible. This website ( describes the Advance Bio-Photon Analyzer (A2) as a teaching tool to understand Intrinsic Data Fields (IDF). The ABPA is different from most scientific instruments, in that it operates in areas beyond the capability of traditional electromagnetic analyzers and spectrometers. IDF are informational fields and can occur with, or be superimposed upon, electromagnetic fields. IDF can also exist without electromagnetic fields.

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